Eco Camping
Eco Camping

In our Eco-Camping your holiday becomes Green.

We want our “footprint” in this world to be as light as possible. We need you too!
Since 2020 (Year 2020 - August 2024) we have saved 267.000 kg di CO2! The equivalent of 64 times around the Earth by car.

Since 2020 we have been part of the Garda Green circuit, which, thanks to a careful analysis of our structure, has recognized us as an Eco-Camping on Lake Garda, with a score of 106/155.

Since 09/11/2023 we have obtained the important environmental certification GSTC (Global Sustainable Tourism Council) which establishes and guides the standards for sustainable development in the travel and tourism sector globally.

Eco Camping

Waste sorting

We have an eco-compactor for plastic and cans at your disposal

We are oriented towards Plastic Free: in our “Pepe & Zucchero” bar we have reduced the use of plastic wherever possible!

We provide all our collaborators with thermal water bottles to avoid the use of plastic bottles.

With your help we carry out a correct separate collection of waste. In 2023 we recycled over 70%. Together we can safeguard the environment and make recycling possible

We provide the waste separation kit: the necessary bags and the instructions to follow.

Eco Camping

Electric energy

We reduce CO2 emissions by using  100% energy from  TUV certified renewable sources.

We generate 50% of the electricity we consume through our  3 photovoltaic systems  together with the  brand new micro-cogeneration system .
2 solar thermal systems  produce hot water healthcare up to 85% of our needs

We monitor all our systems with  a control and management system  which, through advanced software, allows us to read consumption and  optimize it in real time

We have installed  intelligent thermostats  in the bungalows to always have the best temperature with the least energy waste and CO2 savings

Our  column recharges  your electric vehicles (cars and e-bikes)

The pool water is heated by an  advanced technology system

Eco Camping

Respect for nature

The water flow reducers, in all the houses and in the service group, allow us to  use water consciously.

We avoid the dispersion  of air conditioning through the innovative door and window opening sensors in the bungalows .

We safeguard  our centuries-old trees , living creatures of inestimable value

Our facility uses at least 80% of products bearing the ecological quality mark.

We have protected our area from magnetic fields and electrosmog thanks to  cutting-edge silicon biomagnets  .

Eco Camping

Conscious use of water

The flow rate reducers in all accommodation and toilets deliver less than  4 liters of water per minute  to safeguard this important resource.

The  microfiltered drinking water refill station  is available to guests and all collaborators free of charge.

All irrigation is managed by  control units timed  with drip system

Double button to  limit the amount of water  used in our toilets


Garda Green Card

In our  Eco-Camping  your holiday becomes  Green .
With the points accumulated on the  Garda Green Card  you will immediately be able to obtain  numerous advantages
Some examples:

  • Access to the network of charging stations  for electric vehicles
  • Lunches  and  dinners  in the  restaurants of the Garda Green Club hotels
  • Experiences by bicycle, sailing boat or boat  with the possibility of driving
At the reception we will be available to activate the card and for all explanations
We will also provide you with a real environmental impact certificate showing the CO2 and primary resources saved during your stay

Eco Camping